Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Inevitable Update

According to the Official Stats Calendar, I should have 10,002 words by the end of the night. Right now, I have 5,134 - I'm off point by half. It's distressing (especially because I just found out that I have to go to a work conference next weekend and I haven't tested the "lock yourself into a hotel room to write productively" theory yet) but I'm still confident.

So what's happened so far? Let's see . . .

Delilah has found a special necklace (though she doesn't know it's special yet), has a magical cold (though she doesn't know it's magic yet) and met a strange woman (her, she knows she's strange all right). She's also gone to the doctor and met her hunky dream man. I know, it doesn't sound like much yet (and, considering that it's NaNoWriMo it might never) but here's some things to look forward to:

- the gypsy lady has three children named after countries of the world: Chad, Jordan, and Jamaica
- Delilah breaks out into random acts of knitting
- Delilah's best friend Amelia has a boss named Bubblegum

Okay, who's still not interested? Well, after my horrid day I'm off to write. Let's hope I'm not sadistic of Delilah's about to have a really bad day . . .

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